My oh my we’ve reached the final week of July! With August approaching and the start of school encroaching it’s time to get going on preparing the plots for fall.
This week I also wrapped up my summer research assistantship with the Moreno Lab. I’d like to take a moment to share some of the highlights of what I’ve learned over these past couple months:
Tons & Tons of Traps
I learned how to identify insects stored by different means. Some of what we covered included sticky traps & pitfalls, as well as sweeps and kill jars.
Hella Hymenoptera
There are so many more genera in this order that I’d like to learn about, it’s safe to say that bees are not the end of this story.
Handy Guide to Hymenoptera (minus Hoverflies)
Awfully Average Arachnids
I’m also glad to say that I (mostly) got over my spider schweemishness! Be(e) prepared to scroll quickly if you have yet to:
Crab Spider, Family: Thomisidae
Jumping Spider, Family: Salticidae
Neat Neuroptera
An unexpected encounter in the sticky traps, lacewings are in their own separate order, and can be beneficial to gardeners.
Brown Lacewing, Family: Hemerobiidae
Klepto Chalcids
SO many of these lil wasps showed up on the sticky traps and many of them act as hyperparasites, in that they exercise parasitic behavior upon parasites of other species!
Yellow-collared Scape Moths Suck at Escaping
Unfortunately this trio didn’t stick to their plan…
Order: Lepidoptera
Owlflies Are Outrageous
Although we didn’t encounter any owflies in our collection, they’re a part of the Neuroptera order and are likewise predaceous!
Photo Made Available Through
Ultimately I’d Like to Pin a Ulysses
Okay well maybe not necessarily pin it, but getting close enough to observe one in person would check an item off my bucket list.
Credit: www.
And now, back to the Patches:
[College Garden]
First of Many
Another tickseed bloomed this week: Lance-leaved coreopsis!
Ironweed (ft. This Bee’s Super Suave Scopa) A Big Ol’ Bombus on Bergamot
Spot the Bee(tles):
Hint: It’s wedged in amongst them somewhere!
Badass Brethren of Bees
Mason Wasp on Rattlesnake Master, Family: VespidaeDigger Wasp Aids in Aphid Epidemic, Family: Crabronidae
Patterned Pals
A Ladybug About to Have an Aphid Feast Tiger Moth Tiptoeing Through the Wood Chips
An Arch of Our Own
Foreflower: Mountain Mint “Arch”: Ironweed
[Pine Patch]
Triloba Takeover
As you can see these plants have exploded this season! Check out different viewpoints of the Pine Patch and notice how this yellow coneflower is dominating.
Brown-eyed Susans, Rudbeckia trilobaPine Patch Entryway, July 2022
Rainbows Come After Rain
However, the brown-eyed Susans didn’t take over the whole patch! Here’s a view of some warm hues brought to you by some of our other natives in the eastern portion of the plot.
Red: Beebalm Orange: Milkweed Yellow: Senna
Buzz on the Block
Carpenter Bee on Red MilkweedMegachilidae Dance Atop Red MilkweedBumble Bee on Wild Senna, Senna hebecarpa
Little Lepidoptera
Silver-spotted Skipper on Purple ConeflowerPeck’s Skipper on the yet-to-bloom Heart-Leaved Aster
A Sweet Goodbye
This being its last week, the Pine Patch bid adieu to the Ohio State University’s Honeybee Hive. While their contribution to science is much appreciated, the extra competition won’t be missed.
Pine Patch, Friday July 29th 2022
[Vegetable Garden]
Woold You Look at That!
Apples Are Growing!Pink Flowering Cover CropCrimson CloversWool Mulch Bun 1 & Bun 3 LoiteringVegetable Garden, Last Week of July 2022
What’s up y’all it’s another wet weekend here in Wooster and the weather has been wicked. I hope you have managed to keep dry, are surrounded by clear skies, and are ready to conceptualize the growth of our Pollinator Patch enterprise!
Field Days
On Monday we visited the William J Robertson Preserve in Rittman, Ohio, where I got a 20-step tutorial in how to conduct a sweep. Since I identified all of the 2021 Fern Valley sweep samples this past week, it’s exciting to have learned that method of specimen collection.
Spittlebug on a Sweep Net, July 18th 2022
Funnily enough, the bug you see above is actually what Dr. Moreno and I are searching for amongst the mulch experiment in the next town over (Orville)! I set up the last set of sticky traps at Lavender Trails yesterday, and we are scheduled to collect them tomorrow. It’s wild that we’re already at the end of our sampling season and are back on track to the start of school…
Augochlorini Stuck in a Sticky Situation
Sightseeing Signs
On Tuesday, Dr. Moreno and a couple of his advisees got to help Brendan Ortiz (Woo ’23) with the start of his hydroponic workshop over in Akron, Ohio. Set up at the Akron Cooperative Farms’ main pavilion, individuals had the opportunity to learn and build their own deep culture hydroponic system. The workshop will run throughout the summer and students will engage with various hands-on activities concerning the ins and outs of urban gardening. During a tour, we spotted an excellent example of warden signage employed by the Cooperative to signal the presence of two honeybee hives nearby.
The first of a few lady beetles this blog post, I like this lil guy because the spots make it seem like it’s smiling [ :
14-Spotted Ladybeetle, Family: Coccinellidae
Cool find from the 6/18/22 Pollinator Plot Pan Trap Collection, a Holcopasites cuckoo bee! Known to exercise brood parasitism on Calliopsis bees (the yellow-faced fellows from a previous post), these parasitic bees manage to infiltrate their offspring into solitary bee nests, where they later commandeer food resources from the Calliopsis’ young.
Cuckoo Bee Family: Apidae Genus: Holcopasites
[College Garden]
Purple Reign
The coneflower from last week surprised us with two new blooms! Aren’t they great? The Ironweed bloomed as well over this week, and the bees are already loving it!
Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpeaHoneybees on Ironweed, Vernonia fasciculata
Yellow-Bellied Bugs
Although there is certainly an abundance of aphids on this milkweed, I decided not to counter them with soap because the plant is going to seed and had already stopped flowering. Interestingly though, you will notice how the aphids at the College Garden are yellow whereas those occupying the False Sunflowers in the Pine Patch are red. As aphids are considered primary culprits of plant damage, I’ll keep a lookout for any blue ones!
Aphids Attacking the Red Milkweed
Too Bee-zy To Be Bothered
Blue Mud Dauber Wasp on Mountain MintCarpenter Bee on Bergamot (ft. My Reflection)
[Pine Patch]
Watered Plenty
The weather of the past couple of months may have given our plants a slight lean, yet you will notice that they are still happy, lively, and green!
Pine Patch, Sunday July 17th 2022
Hive Mind
In continuation of his study surrounding the impact of honeybees on local bees, Matt Pardi’s bee box has arrived this week in the Pine Patch. You may notice a larger number of honeybees out & about so keep it top of mind that you don’t want to disturb the hive!
Honeybee Hive Brought in for I.S. Research!Honeybees, Apis mellifera, Investigate the Cement
Special New Petals
One new bloom to the Pine Patch this week: Wild Senna! Also as a bonus, try your hand at spotting the bee… I’m sure our bud is around there somewhere!
Wild Senna, Senna marilandica
Guardians of the Garden
Ladybeetle Amongst A Small Army of Aphids12-Spotted Pink Ladybeetle (Family Coccinellidae) False Milkweed Bug, Family: Lygaeidae (Seed Bugs)
Midnight Munchies
Bun 1 & Bun 2 Visit the Pine Patch Past Sun Set
[Vegetable Garden]
Sunny Daze
The sunflowers have arrived and they really showed up in all the colors of the sun! It looks like the bees are already finding them rather fun. And when the rest of the buds begin their blaze there will be more sunny news to come!
Bumblebee on a Sunflower Pretty-Painted Sunflower Petals
SproutsReaching Out
The sisters have apparently decided to branch out from their beds and start networking with one another. Make sure to watch your step if you’re strolling through the straw aisles!
Squash Tendrils Extend Across Adjacent Beds
[Found Around Town]
Hey! That’s a Hibiscus?
I don’t know about you, but I generally don’t associate hibiscus flowers with Wooster, Ohio! Here are several that I spotted across campus, it’s a shame that they’ll be gone before the fall…
Hibiscus Flower Outside of Gault SchoolhouseHibiscus Flower on a Route to ScheideHibiscus Flower Next To Andrews Hall
We’ve had a week of storms here in Wooster. On Wednesday these cool clouds could be seen next to the arch, & I managed to get a picture of the lightning mid-strike:
Mammatus Clouds Outside of KaukeLightning Strikes Above Wooster Admissions
Insects on the Go!
Butterfly Stops in Schiede’s ShadeDog day Cicada Goes About its Way Ivory-marked Borer, Family: Cerambycidae (Long-horn Beetles)
The rain has been pouring incessantly today, which will make for easy weeding on Monday! Thank you for taking the time to check in on our Plots & other happenings on this mildly moody Sunday.
[Lavender Tales]
Signs Explain Experimental Designs
Dr. Moreno and I were supposed to attend Lavender Trails’ Vendor Day today from noon to 3pm, however it ended up being cancelled due to the inclement weather. Since y’all didn’t have the opportunity to make it down, I included some of the signage we had displayed next to the experimental plots throughout this past week:
This prickly pear cactus-looking spider followed me back from LT last Wednesday… After poking him under the microscope I was able to utilize Seek by iNaturalist to help identify it! If you also enjoy knowing the names of the life around you, I highly recommend checking out their mobile app. Turns out this was not a cactus spider (darn) but rather an immature Araneus cingulatus, a member of the orb weaver family.
Full Moon’s in Capricorn you say? I raise you the Spider Moon
[College Garden]
Only A Year & We’re Here
Here’s a quick comparison of the College Garden from a year ago to today! I can’t wait to see how much it’ll grow throughout the school year:
College Garden, Tuesday July 6th 2021College Garden, Friday July 15th 2022
Coneflower Coming Soon!
We have yet to see the purple echinacea bloom ever since its original planting in early June of 2021. This bud looks promising though and hopefully they’ll choose to share their hues with us soon!
Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpea
Minty-Fresh Breath
‘Tis Mountain Mint season down here at the College Garden & the pollinators are coming in pairs to get a test of this (b)r(ee)zy refreshment!
Lasioglossum & Friend Share A SipWhat A Sharp Jawline, Never Seen A Bee So FineCalliopsis Stops to Top it Off Pompous Bombus Covered in Fuzz
Plants & Pals
A few pix of the various other pollinators spotted about the College Garden:
Calliopsis Visiting the Rattlesnake Master A Wedge-Shaped Beetle Makes a Spiky HikeCan you spider Megachilidae? Who Said Ants Cant Pollinate?Monarch Caterpillar on the Red Milkweed!Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Sittin’ & Sippin’
Reigning in the Rain Gardens
Rain Gardens, Friday July 15th 2022
An often overlooked patch of campus, Wooster has supported this rain garden experiment for quite some time. Meant as a way to determine the success of Iron-Osorbâ„¢ in removing harmful toxins from surface water run off, these two gardens were once tested and compared regularly. In fact, when I first toured in 2019, they handed out little packets of Iron-Osorbâ„¢ for us to take home to try out! Although it remains unmanaged today, we include the Rain Gardens in our Pollinator Plot pan trap sampling because it is home to several native plants. Read more about the rain gardens below:
Signage for the Iron-Osorbâ„¢ ExperimentFalse Sunflowers, Heliopsis helianthoidesBumble bee on Culver’s Root, Veronicastrum virginicumBumble bee in Hedge Bindweed, Calystegia septum
Bunny Sightings
Bun 1 & Their Shield from the SunClose Up Shot of Bun 1 (They Model For Fun)Bun 2 Hopped Away Before I Could Get a Better View
[Pine Patch]
A Tip Toes Type of Photo
One new bloom this week – Tall Tickseed! It took me several tries to get this photo right, prolly because this plant is over twice my height!
Tall Tickseed, Coreopsis tripteris
Who’s Hovering by the Hula Hoops?
We gained a new researcher in the Pollinator Plots this week! Matt Pardi (Woo ’23) is continuing the work of Ren Johnson (Woo ’22) in the Pine Patch over the next month. Studying how honeybee hives affect the competitive be(e)haviour of local bees, both Ren & Matt collected live samples from the Pine Patch with a special bee-sized-vacuum. After observing the amount of pollen the bees gathered, they are released. To randomize where the bees are collected from, Matt and Ren utilized hula hoops to provide a standardized radius of sampling. Be(e) sure to wave if you see Matt in the field!
Hula Hoop Method of Bee Collection
Buzz on the Block
Agapostemon on OH Spiderwort (ft. Matt’s hoops)Megachilidae on Red MilkweedA Bombus Aboutta Bounce
Petal or Pollinator?
Most bees you see are dusted with bright yellow pollen, but some carry it around in little sacks on their legs better known as corbiculae! While bees don’t have knees, see if you can spot this Agapostemon’s pockets:
Agapostemon on Grey-headed Coneflower
Pitter Patter Lets Get At Her
Here we go, it’s time for round 2
Bowls spray-painted white yellow & blue
A 24-hour trap period should do
Doesn’t matter which color they choose
For the soon-to-be iNaturalist muse
Pan Trap Set #9, Friday July 15 2022
Vials Upon Vials
Surprisingly, the pan traps managed to avoid being affected by the rain storms this weekend. It even appeared to be the most bees I’ve collected in a sample period yet, with some bowls having upwards of 6 bees! I’m eager to get these be(e)uties into the Salon so they can make their debuts on iNaturalist.
7/16/22 Pollinator Plot Pan Trap Collection
[Vegetable Garden]
Sisters Cover Sisters
Here is a great view of the sister system in action! The crawling squash is acting as a living cover crop, in that it reduces the amount of weeds that are able to grow. However, due to the clever planning of Dr. Mariola and his team of helpers, the shade cast from its large leaves does not overcome the beans. In fact some of the beans have even started to climb the corn! Isn’t that a-maize-ing?
Three Sister System Mid-July
Here Comes the Sun(flowers)
These plants are growing taller than me on the daily now… I’m be(e)wildered!
Ash & A Soon-to-Bee Sunflower
[Wooster Wonders]
Grounds Is Great
I’m unsure of when the College of Wooster Grounds Department originally be(e)gan planting native flowers around campus, but I thought I’d share an example of one of their plots outside of Kauke. And in a previous post you can take a walk around campus to view some of their other plantings!
Brown-eyed Susans in front of Kauke
With our newfound recognition as a certified Bee Campus, we are excited to continually improve people-pollinator relations. I would like to take a moment though, to acknowledge and share my appreciation for the be(e)utiful job that our Grounds Department have been doing to promote pollinators. Two additional instances that set Wooster Grounds apart from the others came to my mind on a walk this past week:
Green-Thinking When Trimming
Clovers nearby Galpin Hall
While the image above may appear rather mundane at first glance, you might find it difficult to find a weed in this photo that are not the clovers. Knowing that Grounds maintains this line of the sidewalk with herbicides, I found it interesting as well as telling of their character that they left this flowering plant be.
Stumped? So What?
Stump outside of Kenarden Lodge
Trees are a great nesting resource for solitary bees of all sorts, so keeping this stump in place shows that Grounds is keeping pollinators in mind and are pro-hive!
All in all, I’m glad to get to work alongside a team of dedicated individuals. They are truly a be(e)con of inspiration.
Pro-Pollinator Plant?
Speaking of non-Pollinator Plot plants, I have never actually seen one of these flowers be pollinated be(e)fore! However, when considering what I’ve learned through my I.S. research, it makes since that it would be a bumble bee. This is be(e)cause bumblebees are highly adept at collecting pollen from a wide variety of flowers. Although they may not be specialists, a kind of bee that pollinates certain flowers really well, their ability to pollinate a plethora of flowers ultimately acts as a benefit in that it expands their foraging range.
Bumble Bee pollinating a Hosta
Close-Cousins of Bumble Bees
Here are some other members of the Hymenoptera order:
Ant Brings Parasitic Wasp Home to Meet the FamBlue Mud-dauber Wasp, Family Sphecidae
Welcome back, I hope you enjoyed some be(e)utiful weather this week. If not, our most recent news is sure to brighten your day: on July 7th, 2022 we were officially recognized as a Xerces Society Bee Campus USA affiliate! We are over the moon with excitement and can’t wait to be(e)gin making the most of our partnership!
Pretty Much Pinned
More good news this week: I finished pinning all of the bees that were caught in the last Pollinator Plot pan trap sampling! They’re going to need to dry for a while on the Styrofoam before I can move them around under the microscope. Our second collection will be occurring next week, so stay on the lookout for brightly colored bowls across campus.
Remainder of the 6/29/22 Collection
An Emerald Angle
This be(e)dazzling sweat bee took the top spot for best microscope pic of the week:
Family: Halictidae Tribe: Augochlorini
Tough Love Kid
Still stuck on the sticky traps this week, I was able to complete one of last year’s collections. The picture you see highlights the reoccurring situation I found frozen across several traps… The four large bugs that look like roadkill are actually aphids, and all of those orange specks are their babies. With over 21 kiddos in this cluster alone I can safely say I’m glad not to be an aphid.
Well That Sucks
Beneficial Bug Compost
Got too many spare bugs lying around and taking up space? Well, I’ve found the perfect (resting) place! Helpful in a myriad of ways, this bug compost will make the most of their short lived days…
Primary Insect Order Featured: Isopoda
[College Garden]
All Tucked In
This week, Dr. Mariola’s team of vegetable garden helpers tackled the first row of mulching. I think the bergamot stood a little taller for this photo:
College Garden, Sunday July 10th 2022
Be(e)tween the Aisles
No new blooms this week, but I got a couple of good pics – have a peek!
Bumblebee on BergamotA Lil’ Leaf Beetle on the Butterfly Milkweed
[Pine Patch]
Counting Cones
One new bloom this week: Grey-headed coneflower! I included some more brown-eyed Susans as well to provide a contrasting yellow coneflower.
Augochlorini on Butterfly MilkweedLasioglossum on Grey-headed Coneflower
Be(e)sides the Bees
Monarch Butterfly, Mid-flightRed Milkweed Beetle, Tetraopes tetrophthalmusBun 3 Hanging by the Coreopsis
[Vegetable Garden]
Broken Bag
Beetles be(e)ware! We got another bug bag this week because if you look be(e)neath our original one you will find that its contents gave way… hooray?
Bad Beetles Need to Be(e)have
Apples on Apples
If you haven’t had the opportunity to stop by the vegetable garden you will notice some bags on the Fruit Trees! Each bag is protecting a growing apple and serves as a preventative measure against pests (in the event the Beetle Traps are not enough).
It’s Pepper Weather
Pictures of plants? Sorry, I thought you said pictures of peppers.
How High Can You Grow?
I know that it has been a second since y’all have had updates on the Sister System, but see how much it’s filled in?!
Plants Make Pretty Perimeters As High As A House
[I.t’S. Coming Along]
First collection down! Several more left to go!
I will need to pin them before I will be able to know
What sort of bees fly to and fro
the William J. Robertson Nature Preserve,
and perhaps even call it home!
Samples from 7/4/2022 Pan Traps (WJRNP)
[Point of View]
You’re a bug on the sidewalk and traffic is light:
A worker harvesting a HarvestmenBe(e)friending A BeetleCicada? More like see ya later!
…Is it already July? Wow the summer is really starting to s(bee)d on by! Here’s an update to inform you on how I’ve bee(n) spending my time:
Starting the Lavender Trials
On Monday we spent a couple hours setting up the sticky traps for Dr. Moreno’s mulch experiment at Lavender Trails. The bamboo rods are placed around the perimeter of the largest plant within each treatment. With 5 rows of 6 treatments, we put out a total of 30 sticky traps.
Be(e)low are a couple of bumble bees spotted by the lavender this past week. Lavender Trails is open for all of July, so make sure to head on over!
Lavender Trails, Monday June 27th, 2022Lavender Trails, Wednesday June 29th, 2022
Fam, It’s Time for a Break
After identifying a good portion of last year’s data to family, I will now be moving onto a new task. Instead of individually moving each specimen from their vial and into a petri dish of ethanol for identification, I will be using the microscope to look at sticky traps through plastic bags.
Vile Vials
Cool Schtick
When analyzing the sticky traps I had three main objectives: to count the total number of spittlebugs (aka froghoppers) present on the entire trap, then count the number of other Hemiptera and Hymenoptera that could be viewed through the 1″ panel of this nifty contraption. I identified the appropriate insects to family and then entered the data into a spreadsheet.
Viewer for Ease of Data Entry, Froghopper circled
Although I will need to double-check my work, I finished our 6/29 collection (pictured in the left bin) and will begin working on last year’s data next week!
Sticky-Trap Trough
[College Garden]
Hues in View
Our Bergamot is our one new bloom this week! You may find it similar to our Scarlett Beebalm, and that’s because they’re in the same genus! A be(e)tter fact to share with your friends is that both beebalm and bergamot are in the same family as mint (:
Last year the ironweed needed to be propped up to grow straight, and now it’s truly holding its own weight! Enjoy this comparison of what nearly a year can do.
July 14th, 2021
Me (5’3/4″) next to the Ironweed (5’3″+). Can you be(e)lieve it’s the same plant?
Saturday, July 2nd 2022
Caught in the Act
… Of be(e)ing a tired bunny
Caution: Extreme Cuteness
Here you can see damage caused by the collective efforts of the Japanese and Goldenrod Leaf Miner Beetles on the Goldenrod plants. When I pulled back the leaves, one beetle tried to make a clean getaway… You gotta be(e) quicker than that buddy!
Getting it on the Goldenrod
[Pine Patch]
Be(e)ting the Beetles
Thank the Gods (or Dr. Mariola) for blessing us with the contraption you can see below. This beetle bag is equipped with pheromones that attract the Japanese Beetles into a contained area (and is designed in a way that prevents escapes). Once full, the bag is emptied and replaced so that it can continue keeping the pests at bay.
Let’s Gooo (…into the Beetle Trap)
Yellow-Faced Fellows
There are new updates on iNaturalist from our 6/18/22 collection! These yellow-faced bees be(e)long to the genus Calliopsis:
Really feeling the Wooster spirit!Calliopsis on Red Milkweed
Sunflower the Prowler
In lieu of updates for the Vegetable Garden, I give you Sunflower, Wooster’s friendly neighborhood feline:
Sunflower on Saturday, July 2nd 2022
[(I.)n the Work(S.)]
Reading the Signs
As mentioned earlier in this post, Lavender Trails is a former brownfield. What is a brownfield you ask? Read more on their sign pictured below! This is along the same vein of information that I am researching for my I.S., and will be learning how to communicate on signage to put out at the William J. Robertson Preserve. The signs I will implement at the Preserve will include an added emphasis on native pollinators along with a brief historical background of how their plot be(e)came what it is today. I highly recommend that you stop by Lavender Trails to see their own Pollinator Pathway, complete with fun and engaging pollinator facts suited for all ages!
It’s A Trap!
Today I put out the first pan traps for my summer research! I will be back tomorrow to see what I was able to collect, and get to work on identifying… If all goes to plan I should have several more collections taking place over the next couple of months!
The Bowls Are Out! July 3rd, 2022
[Walks Around Woo]
Floral Friends
Following the flowers on a walk around campus:
Crawling Critters
A+ Antennae
Perchance a Masked Chafer? Family: Scarabaeidae A Couple of Tumbling Flower Beetles, Family: Mordellidae
College Garden Creepers:
Honeylocust Treehoppers, Micrutalis calvaA Harvestman Hanging Out
Formidable Formicidaes:
A solider doing a thorough inspectionA worker rolling a poly
Photogenic Pit Stops:
An Owl Out & About A Lightning Bug – Family Lampryidae